Elephants are a huge part of popular culture and show up as metaphors
across all media. They form a part of religious beliefs and are often
associated with wisdom or altruism. However, many people who live
outside the normal range of elephants are unfamiliar with the many
interesting facts about them. This list gives an overview of ten
interesting areas about elephants.
10.Types of Elephant
In English, when we say ‘elephant,’ we are actually referring to
several different species. Until 2010, only 2 species of elephant were
scientifically recognized. However, genetic testing has revealed that
there are at least 3 species. These are the Asian elephant alphas
maximus, the African bush elephant loxodonta Africana (also called the
savannah elephant), and the African forest elephant loxodonta cyclones.
The Asian elephant is the smallest, and has small ears and tusks. They
have two prominent bumps on their foreheads. They hold their heads more
erect than both African elephants, have no protruding upper lip, and
have a single short finger-like lip at the end of their trunk which they
use for fine manipulation of objects. Both African elephants have
larger ears, although the forest elephant has much rounder ears, are
less hairy, have larger tusks, rounded foreheads, and have two
finger-like lips on their trunks. The forest elephant has relatively
straight, downward-pointing tusks whilst the bush elephant has
magnificently curved ones. Most elephants are crepuscular, meaning that
they are most active during dawn and evening, although this varies due
to local climate. Unfortunately, all elephant species are endangered.
Homosexual elephants, which are well-documented, mate year-round, but
an elephant cow (female) is fertile for only a few days each year.
During this time, bulls (males) will try to court her by using rituals
involving various affectionate gestures and nuzzles. If she accepts one,
she will respond with similar gestures and after 20 minutes or so of a
courting ritual they will mate. If she conceives, she will be pregnant
for 22 months, longer than any other land animal. Some elephants induce
labour by self-medicating with certain plants. The calf (baby), when
born, weighs over 100kg. Elephants are quadrupeds, so unlike humans,
they can have relatively much wider pelvises which gives them lower
infant and mother mortality rates and birth complications than in
humans. Baby elephants are initially blind and some take to sucking
their trunk for comfort in the same way that humans suck their thumbs.
Infants have few survival instincts and are instead taught by their
mothers and the more experienced members of their herds. The mother will
selectively appoint several babysitters to care for the baby so that
she has time to eat enough to produce sufficient milk for it.
8.Social Lives
Female elephants live in a herd of about 10 individuals lead by the
most experienced matriarch, whereas the males are normally solitary and
move from herd to herd. The females in each herd help each other find
food and care for calves. They do not lie down to sleep because of the
excellent support their very straight legs give them. Elephants
communicate within their herds or between herds many kilometers away
mostly using sounds too low for human ears to perceive and by stamping
their feet. Within their herds, elephants are believed to have the same
or similar levels of cooperation as chimpanzees. An elephant herd is
considered one of the most closely-knit societies of any animal, and a
female will only leave it if she dies or is captured by humans. Males
will leave the herd as they become adolescent, around the age of 12, and
live in temporary ‘bachelor herds’ until they are mature and live
Elephant graveyards are not supported by any hard evidence, but death
is important to them nonetheless. Their normal lifespan is 60-80 years.
Elephants, humans, and Neanderthals are the only animals known to have
death rituals. If an elephant becomes sick, herd members will bring it
food and help support it as it stands. If it dies, they will try to
revive it with food and water for a while. Once it is clear that an
elephant is dead, the herd will become very quiet. They often dig a
shallow grave and cover the deceased elephant with dirt and branches,
and will stay at the grave for days afterwards. If the elephant had a
particularly close relationship with its deceased peer, it can show
signs of depression. Even herds that come across an unknown lone
elephant who has died will show it similar respects. There are also
reported cases of elephants burying dead humans they have found in this
6.Extinct Elephants
The elephant taxonomic order, proboscidea, has only 3 members today,
but it used to have over forty. Most of these thrived until the end of
the last glacial period 12500 years ago. These creatures were generally
similar in size to modern Asian elephants, although there were tiny
dwarf elephants and the humongous deinotherium, 4.5m tall and weighing
14 tones. For comparison, the largest African bush elephant recorded was
4m tall and weighed 12 tones. Within proboscidea, the mastodon family
mammutidae contains modern elephants and the very famous mammoths.
Mammoths had long curved tusks and were much hairier than even modern
Asian elephants. The last mammoth to go extinct was the woolly mammoth,
whose numbers had dwindled as the climate warmed and was finally hunted
to extinction in Europe, Asia, and the Americas 12000 years ago,
although some populations isolated from humans persisted until as
recently as 4000 years ago.
5.Jumbo the Elephant
There have been many famous individual elephants in the world, but
one of the largest was Jumbo, whose name is now used to mean ‘huge.’ His
name is thought to be derived from the Swahili word for ‘boss’ or
‘chief.’ He was an African bush elephant born in 1861 and taken to a
French zoo as an infant. He was later transferred to a British zoo where
he gave children rides on his back and was greatly admired. Jumbo’s
caretaker even gave him an occasional gallon of whisky which he believed
was good for Jumbo’s health. Eventually Jumbo was sold and exported to
the USA, and such was his popularity that one hundred thousand children
wrote to the Queen asking her to keep Jumbo for them. In the USA he
achieved his full fame and was widely exhibited until his death at the
age of 24. His health had been steadily declining for years, and when he
was hit by a train going at full speed he could not recover, dying soon
after. Jumbo was 4m tall at the time of his death.
4.Teeth and Tusks
Humans are born toothless, grow a set of milk teeth, and finally lose
these as they grow permanent adult teeth. Similarly, elephants are born
without tusks, grow milk tusks, and replace these with adult tusks. In
Asian elephants, females are usually tusk less. Elephants use tusks for
digging and lifting heavy objects, and sometimes as a part of mating
rituals. Although now illegal, there is heavy poaching of elephants for
their tusk ivory. This is believed to be why the average size of
elephant tusks is gradually decreasing – elephants with smaller tusks
are not poached and live to reproduce more. Elephants normally only
sleep 2 or 3 hours each day because they need to spend time eating to
support their huge size, as they can eat up to 150kg of vegetation every
day. Due to their herbivorous diet, elephant teeth wear out quickly and
they have 6 or 7 sets instead of only 2 like humans. New teeth grow in
the back of the mouth and move forward to replace old worn sets. After
the last set has been worn out, solitary elephants will usually die of
starvation whereas herd elephants will help feed starving members of
their group.
The elephant trunk, a specialized nose, is analogous to an octopus
tentacle in terms of dexterity. It allows them a high degree of
manipulation of objects and elephants are adept tool-users. Elephants
have been taught to paint with their adroit trunks and produce some
fascinating artwork. In captivity, elephants easily learn how to open
simple locks and many master more complex ones, something impossible for
most other animals due to a lack of dexterity and intellect. Elephants
in zoos have worked together to take advantage of this, by having many
act as lookouts as another undoes the lock, or in one instance an
elephant feigned injury as a distraction while another elephant helped
the others escape. Once all the elephants were out, the distraction
elephant climbed to its feet and ran for the door, surprising its
tenders who had been unaware of the ruse.
Each elephant foot has 5 toes, but not every toe has a nail. An easy
way to tell the two African elephant species apart is by counting
toenails. The African forest elephant and the Asian elephant both have 5
toenails on the front feet and 4 on the back feet. The larger African
bush elephant has 4 or sometimes 5 on the front feet and 3 on the back.
An X-ray of an elephant’s foot will reveal that its bones are actually
standing on tip-toe. Their feet are flat because of a large pad of
gristle under each heel which acts as a shock absorber and helps them
walk quietly. Their legs are much straighter than those of other animals
and support their weight so well that elephants sleep while standing.
Elephants spend most of their lives walking huge distances, and their
feet are suitably adapted to such a lifestyle. Zoos which keep elephants
often find they develop foot problems due to a lack of constant
walking, and treatments include tailored shoes to protect their softened
Elephants are some of the most intelligent animals on Earth. Their
brains weigh 5kg, much more than the brain of any other land animal.
Their brains have more complex folds than all animals except whales,
which is thought to be a major factor in their intellect. They commonly
show grief, humor, compassion, cooperation, self-awareness, tool-use,
playfulness, and excellent learning abilities. An elephant in Korea
surprised its zoo keepers by independently learning to mimic the
commands they gave it by verbalizing on the end of its trunk,
successfully learning 8 words and their context. Elephants have a more
developed hippocampus, a brain region responsible for emotion and
spatial awareness, than any other animal, and studies indicate that they
are superior to humans in keeping track of multiple objects in 3D
space. There are many reports of elephants showing altruism towards
other species, such as rescuing trapped dogs at considerable cost to
themselves. As mentioned above, they respect their dead and have death
rituals. There are stories of the herds of elephants killed by humans
retrieving the poached bones and returning them to the place of death to
bury them.
They seemm like sweet animals. I didnt know much about them at all until I got an article at school where we had to debate whether elephants should be kept in zoos or not. I did my research on them and found out they are very smart animals, probably almost as smart as apes.
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