As you might imagine, the release of Barack Obama's tax return by the White House last month caused quite a stir. Everyone knew the U.S. President earned the base Commander in Chief salary last year, but perhaps few were keen to Obama's potency as an author: according to his filings, the most powerful man in the world earned a total income of $5,505,409 in 2009, thanks in large part to proceeds from Obama's two best-selling books, The Audacity of Hope and Dreams from My Father.
Yet, this time of year, it's that base salary everyone is concerned with. As Canadians, tax season is the slot on the calendar when it's most appropriate to gripe over how much Prime Minister Stephen Harper earns. Where do the incomes of Harper and Obama rank on the world scale, you ask? Perks, stipends and expenses aside, Here is the 10 highest-paid politicians in the world, based on their taxpayer-funded salaries.
*All figures in USD.
10. Gordon Brown, Prime Minister, UnitedKingdom
Annual salary: $300,400
Brown, the Scottish-born leader of the U.K's Labour party, has always boasted that he's a man of the people. And it's that political motivation that now has the British P.M. in a fight to raise his nation's minimum wage from $8.97 to $11.75. Brown's salary, while nearly nine times more than the average English worker's income, is actually quite modest when compared to other world leaders. But, perhaps Brown has his sights set on future earnings: Tony Blair, the man Brown succeeded as P.M. in 2007, now makes as much as $600,000 per speaking engagement at events around the world.