One of the coolest aspects of owning one of Apple’s iPhones is the apps or applications that run on the phone. These aps like mini computer applications offer hours of fun or distraction with games, news finders, book readers, social directory notification, and much more. Some of this aps through are a little off… They offer the strange and the weird on your very own iPhone for as little as 99 cents.
1. Voodoo
Voodoo is an ap for those times it wouldn’t be appropriate to pull out a voodoo doll that looks suspiciously like your boss and start sticking pins in it. Of course, if you are punching away at your iPhone during that same meeting it looks like you are industrious. iVoodoo makes you look hard at work while you stick pins into those who would be your enemies or even those folks who simply tick you off a bit. In fact, you can send those your ill wishes through the cosmic veil for up to five trouble makers at once.
While it looks and feels like a standard ap when you load iVoodoo this application lets you channel your aggression and sticks pin in what looks like a standard Voodoo doll. Just to help you focus your angst by using your iPhone camera you snap a picture of the less-than-appreciated and paste this pic on the dolls face. Then in pin mode you can stick your prey with seven different colored pins. If you’re ticked use the negative pin, if you wish to help someone there is also positive, wealth, power or love.